Wednesday, October 29, 2014

It's Just a Phase

Recently a Mom on Facebook posted a "mommy post" that reminded me of something very important. The mom explained a concern and problem she was having and asked for advice on what to do.

Not so long ago I had struggled with the same thing with my daughter so I left a comment with a few tips that had helped me. As I did this I realized that my daughter and I no longer had that particular problem. How exciting it was to be reminded that somethings are just a phase that are children go through and they don't last forever.

In the last couple weeks I have began to noticed a new problem developing with my daughter. Just last night I found my self in the middle of this struggle and tried to handle it the best I could. Afterward I was reflecting and trying to decided what was working and how to address the issue next time. I did not come up with any brilliant solutions, however one thought was very comforting. I remembered that "mommy post" experience and realized that this too is most likely just a phase that she will grow out of. The best thing I can to do is be patient while I try to hopefully speed up the "growing out of it" process, 

I am confident that this is only the beginning. As I learn how to tackle one problem or phase it will be time for the next one. So it is important to enjoy all the non-problem phases and not be too stressed over the problems. And that wraps up my mommy thoughts for today. 

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it great how a community of mothers (within a ward, a family, or Facebook friends) can do so much good by helping each other out? We can all give tips and we can all share our love of mothering!
