Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Hand Foot Mouth Disease

I took the summer off from blogging which is really too bad because thinking back I learned a lot. How did I let this happen, well I missed a month, then I was on vacation, then we moved, then I was really sick for a while. However if I try to play catch up then I might never find the motivation to blog again so I'll just start with today.

I have been blessed with a healthy little girl, she is a month away from her 2nd birthday and today was our 1st doctor visit that wasn't preventive care. It started with a fever on Monday. The fever was short lived but then a rash appeared and spread. So today Wednesday I called the doctor and took her in. The doctors visit was short and simple she was able to quickly diagnose Hand Foot and Mouth disease.  Apparently most children will get this disease at some point and it rarely affects adults. The rash will go away on its own in 5 to 7 days in the mean time it is painful and very contagious. Treatment includes keeping the child away from other children till the rash goes away, and to relieve symptoms Benadryl, Ibuprofen, and Tylenol.

Today I am thankful and proud to be a stay at home mom. The last few days I have been able to watch and care for my sick child and pay close attention to symptoms which made the doctors visit quick and painless. The fact that my little girl can not be around other children does not affect my husbands work schedule at all. While some of our plans have to change like not going to playgroup or library story-time and missing a birthday party there is no scrambling or stress in keeping my daughter at home for several days. Instead I get to look forward to watching movies and kid shows and cuddling with my little girl, what an amazing blessing.


  1. What a blessing that you can just stay home and take care of her!

  2. I am happy for you. I am glad you can see the benefits of all this.
