Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Let it Snow

I have been looking forward to the 1st real snow for almost a month now, and at last it came. As I have not been checking weather reports it came as quit a surprise. Confession: I hardly ever remember to look up the weather, and to honest I don't mind not knowing, like this morning I woke up thinking it would be any other day and then my husband opened the door to leave and BAM snow every where, and its still snowing!

There is something so magical about freshly fallen snow. I grew up in sunny southern California and while I loved it  I want you all to know that southern CA is missing out on the wonder and beauty of the 4 different season. I was 20 before I even knew what I'd been missing. I could probably write an entire blog about the wonder of each individual season all by itself. The beautiful colors of fall are more then pictures and center pieces, spring is an entertaining game of summer playing peek a boo with winter, and then theirs the winter wonderland, and of course that perfect summer day. But today is all about the magic of the 1st snow.

As I sat at my window watching the snow fall today I was asking myself why does the world seem so magical when its blanketed in white. There's the obvious: excuse to drink hot chocolate and apple cider, snowball fights, sledding, and all the things you can only do in the snow. Plus snow also has ties to Christmas and the holiday spirit. And then I thought back to all the memories I have in the snow. The one that sticks out above the rest is last years 1st snow fall. I gave birth to my daughter during that storm. Yet another reason that the 1st snow is most definitely magical.

I often see on Facebook or hear in conversation complaints about the weather no matter what season it is. Rain, snow, heat, cold, I'm sure you have complained about all of these at one point or another, I know I have. However lately my 1st thoughts when I see such a post or comment are along the lines of why can't we just enjoy what we have. All four seasons have there ups and downs but they only last so long so remember to take a moment to enjoy them while they last. Its turning into winter and while I miss the vibrant colors and the comfortable temperature of fall, I'm so excited for winter and the snow storms that come with.

Yes driving is more of a pain but the snow will be gone  in a few months so don't forget to throw some snowballs, make crazy snowmen, wear the nice coat you have in the closest that makes you feel like your in a movie, and of course go sledding and or hit the slopes with skies or snowboards if you get the chance, because so many people don't even know what they are missing.  

So next time before you say any of the complaints that may be on the tip of your tongue in regards to the weather, just stop. We have all heard every version of what you are about to say.

Winter only comes once a year and it will be gone in a few months so I want to know what you love about the snow and the winter season. (If you have taken the time to read my thoughts I'd like to hear yours so please leave a comment .)


  1. Thank you so much! I love the way you described the different seasons! This just made my day, Love you!

  2. I love the quiet of snow. It seems to silence everything a little...like a soft blanket over the earth. And the sun reflecting off ice crystals is magnificent! On the other hand, if we didn't have the cold and occasional dreariness of the winter season, we could never really appreciate the battle for spring to take over--or the warmth of summer. In our world, the seasons teach us there is a time for everything.

  3. I am still waiting for our first real snow in the mountains of Southern California. Maybe this weekend. Winter is my favorite season. I love it when everyone has to slow down and take notice of this wonderful world. I live where the schools close and my husband can work from home. So let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.
