Friday, December 13, 2013

Deck the Halls

 Today I'm an Interior Designer (see I'm a Mom)
I love Christmas and right after Thanksgiving I want my home to feel and look like Christmas regardless of where we'll be spending the holiday. I have discovered many cheap and fun ways to Deck the Halls in the past 2 years and I want to share the fun.

Our 1st Christmas my husband and I had about a shoe box full of Christmas decorations between us. We spent our money on travelling and presents. Our decorations consisted of paper snowflakes mostly. The snowflakes inspired Frosty the Snowman. My husband had a few projects at school that he had made posters for and since the projects where over he no longer needed the posters so we cut out a snowmen and taped the writing side facing the wall. Then my husband used his artist skills and Frosty is 3 years old and looking good.

Of course having a Nativity is a must, after all that is what Christmas is all about. My mother in law loves making homemade cards and she shares her supplies with us at most family gatherings. She had a lot of old Christmas cards and the idea was to up-cycle them create a new card from the old. So I took parts of Nativities from different cards and I had a pretty cool Nativity. I still put it up on my wall because I love it.

Now for the new additions this year:

As I mentioned earlier Snowflakes were a big part of our 1st Christmas. I fell in love with the simplicity and beauty of snowflake decorations that year. I will always include snowflakes in my Christmas decor, plus they have that added sentimental value now. I got the idea for the snowflake wreath from Pinterest this year. This one was also free. I used card stock that I already had and then made more snowflakes. 

Thanks to my Mother-in-law I have made some pretty cool Christmas Cards, my problem is I like them so much I don't want to write in them so a few of my favorites have become apart of the Christmas decor along with the cards we receive from others. My parents displayed Christmas cards on the fireplace. No fire place, so my thought was to get some twine and string them along the wall. We don't have any twine, but I found some red ribbon. I don't have a cute way to attach the cards to the ribbon but paper clips do the job for now.

This Merry Christmas sign credit goes again to my Mother-in-law. She has a vinyl lettering business, Wilcox Writes, and is always finding fun ways to use vinyl. This Thanksgiving she brought up everything we needed to create our own. She cut up blocks of wood in the sizes you see and printed out the sayings in vinyl then I got to modge podge scrapbook paper on to the wood and apply the vinyl. Another great thing about this is that it is 2 sided so I have decor for Thanksgiving on the other side.You can use almost any season or phrase you want 

I took all the pictures out of this frame and replaced them with Scrapbook paper. I found the Winter Wonderland at a dollar store along with the snowflakes.

I spent a few hours shopping around a few dollar stores and then Hobby Lobby to make my 2 wreaths, both ideas from pinterest, and very simple. Socks, ornaments, a glue gun, and 2 wreath forms. 

 The End.

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