I half excepted to get a rose by the end of the day because he has often done so, but when I saw that he had included our little girl it warmed my heart. He is one great dad!
The rest of his gift, he informed me, was that he was staying home to help me clean up the house until he had to go to class that afternoon. He is a grad-student so most of his time is spent on research and writing a thesis - he apparently had already put in the hours he needed for the week. Wow! Can I just say that was exactly the perfect gift. I wouldn't have thought to ask for a day of help but I wouldn't want anything else. Yes I have one amazing man at my side and maybe this is coming across as a brag which it may be. However my intent is to share the best moment as a mother and wife I had this month as well as share a small and powerful lesson that the my husband taught me this Valentines Day.
Valentines Day is a wonderful day to show people you love that you remember and care. I felt sad when I saw Facebook statuses of single awareness day and the like. Okay so I am married and may never be on that side of things again but don't you see? Valentines Day is so much more then that. I also saw on Facebook a family whose parents put on a special dinner for their kids and apparently it is quite the tradition. How wonderful! Valentines Day is not just for couples, its an excuse for everyone to do something special for those they love. You may well argue that you shouldn't need any excuses. True, but why not take advantage of one? I hope that in the future I can take better advantage of Valentines Day and remember it is an excuse to show others I care, not just for some outlandish romantic gesture.